We recognise the work that has been done to date and we acknowledge the steps that need to be taken to further improve the experience of everyone in our community. These are our commitments:
One of a kind, part of a family
Diversity, inclusion and real change.
Norwich High School for Girls, as part of the GDST, is undivided in our:
- commitment to putting our students first.
- fearlessness.
- sense of family, where every individual is valued, respected and included.
- mission to continually grow and improve.
“I was really pleased to read about the work the school are doing surrounding unconscious bias and am glad you are not steering away from these difficult conversations. I am so pleased to know that Norwich High School for Girls is already taking steps to affect change.”
Charter for action:
We continue to embed a culture of diversity and inclusion, where every person is valued and supported. Norwich High School for Girls is part of a family of schools where everyone feels that they belong.
We will support the school community to create opportunities for students to share feedback, discuss ideas and contribute to their whole-school diversity and inclusion strategies, as well as that of the GDST.
We have a diversity and inclusion group which is made up of students and teachers and led by Maths Teacher and Diversity and Inclusion Lead, Mr Matthew Bull. We are exploring ways to widen this group to include alumnae, governors and parents which will feed into Norwich High-wide action plans for increased diversity and inclusion.
Norwich High School for Girls is represented on a GDST student diversity council by Senior and Prep School students. We will ensure that school policies are clear, visible and inclusive of every student, including those from diverse backgrounds.
We will regularly review our curriculum to ensure we are balanced and reflect all of our students’ backgrounds and include diverse role models and subject matters. We will regularly survey our students so that their experiences can be channelled to make measurable improvements.
In the Sixth Form we have an Equalities Captain who coordinates meetings and activities that seek to highlight and unpick racism, explore issues around disability and LGBTQ+ rights, as well as providing a supported space for our students to talk about their experiences and issues that are important to them.
The GDST provides a robust programme of training for all staff on issues of bias, beliefs and behaviours.
The GDST will identify and remove barriers to the recruitment of a more diverse workforce at all levels of seniority, so that the composition of our staff better reflects our students’ wide range of backgrounds.
The GDST will further enhance our continuing professional development programme to support the career progression of all staff, with a specific programme for staff members from ethnically diverse backgrounds.
The GDST will share progress against their Charter for Action with alumnae and seek their input into their Undivided programme, to learn from their lived experiences and harness their expertise.
We will engage with our alumnae to provide inspirational role models for the younger generation through talks, interviews and mentoring, sharing their stories and celebrating their journeys, especially those from under-represented ethnic backgrounds.
Bespoke learning support
Our school community is proudly inclusive of learners who experience an array of cognitive, physical and neuro differences. Emphasis is placed on empowering our pupils to recognise strengths that emerge from that difference, as well as developing systems that promote independence and personal wellbeing.
Our quality first teaching approach aims to encourage improvement in pupil achievement and self-esteem, not just amongst SEND pupils but for all our pupils.
Putting girls’ needs first and creating bespoke support provision is a key aim for the Learning Support department.
A whole-school lens
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) works best when it is viewed through a whole-school lens. Our small but experienced team of Learning Support Assistants, alongside the Senior School Head of Learning Support (SENDCo), Mrs Laska and Prep School SENDCo Mrs Moir, work closely with our pastoral and academic departments to ensure all areas of school are accessible and that pupil needs can be catered for generally as well as individually.
Every learner’s needs are different, and they will often change over time, so we take a conscientious approach in considering the right level, areas, and duration of support.
Support measures
Support measures may include – but are not limited to – in-class Learning Support Assistant (LSA) support, reasonable adjustments to the learning environment or school routine, 1:1 drop-in sessions, small group study sessions and exam access arrangements. For pupils whose SEND is formally diagnosed and/or presents a requirement for enhanced adjustment, a document featuring the pupils’s voice is produced. This document seeks to summarise a pupil’s strengths and potential difficulties, whilst recommending strategies that help them best.
Pupils and families are encouraged to work with us to identify need and if relevant, plan for and monitor progress towards outcomes. Outside agencies or professionals can contribute to needs identification and planning through assessments or recommendations.
We hold the Norfolk Dyslexia Friendly School Quality Mark. Find out more about Dyslexia including free resources and training for teachers and parents: Made by Dyslexia.
SEND-related queries
Parents, guardians and pupils with new SEND-related queries can contact Brynne Laska (Senior School) or Caroline Moir (Preparatory School). Where queries may be more appropriately addressed by a classroom teacher, department or pastoral lead, the query may be triaged. Please note: an appropriately qualified SpLD assessor, Educational Psychologist or Neurodevelopmental Clinician will need to be sought for formal diagnostic assessment. It should also be advised that new queries relating to GCSE and GCE exam access arrangements should be directed to Brynne Laska who manages administration of Exam Access Arrangements (EAAs).
Mrs Brynne Laska, SENDCo
(Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator)
Email: b.laska@nor.gdst.net
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 at Norwich High School for Girls
- Prep School
- Senior School
- Sixth Form
“Feeling supported has been absolutely crucial to succeeding.”