School Fees

Our fees are as inclusive as possible, covering not only our exceptional academic tuition but a large portion of school life.

The best value private school in Norfolk: Our fee to grade ratio was rated as ‘Very Good’, with the highest overall grading in the region at Year 13 in the Telegraph Money’s ‘Value for Money’ League Table in January 2025.


Fees must be paid by direct debit on either a termly or monthly basis. A deposit is payable on acceptance of a place. 

Termly school fees – inclusive of VATSchool lunch per termTotal
Reception – Year 6£5,080.32£260.33£5,340.65
Year 7 – 10£6,690.88£272.33£6,963.21
Year 11£6,690.88£212.67**£6,903.55
Year 12 – 13£6,690.88N/A£6,690.88

Additional charges may apply for trips, exam fees and other related services.

*Childcare vouchers and Early Years funding (15hrs) are accepted against Nursery fees and all Nursery pupils must attend a minimum of six sessions each week. Please note, Nursery fees are also not subject to VAT. 

** Year 11 lunches charged at £212.67 per term to allow for their period of study leave.

A family who enrol their third or any subsequent daughter into any GDST school will be eligible for a 20% fee reduction for the third and all subsequent girls. The girls must be attending a GDST school at the same time before a discount can be awarded. Once awarded the discount will remain with the student until she leaves the school.

Contact us for more information.

What do fees cover?

At our Norwich school, our fees cover a range of specialist services for each pupil, each term. We have provided a breakdown of these below:

  • Regular curriculum tuition (other than in optional extra subjects)
  • 1-2-1 device from Year 1 (iPad or Chromebook depending on age)
  • Many lunchtime and after-school activities
  • Text books, exercise books and scientific materials
  • Some curricular trips and field studies
  • Choral music
  • Physical education and swimming

The school provides a compulsory nutritious lunch from Nursery to Year 11. 


Registration Fee£120 (inclusive of VAT)
Music lessonsCharged by visiting Music teacher* (around £200 per term)
Hire of musical instrumentsFrom £30 per term for up to two years
After school care in the Prep School£3 per half an hour from 4-6pm. A 25% discount for using 20+ full two hour sessions in any one half term period
Public exam feesExam fees are based on the number and type of exams taken by the student and will be itemised on the summer term invoice

*please note that visiting music teachers set their own fees and these may fluctuate at any time.

Visits and tours

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