Fees must be paid by direct debit on either a termly or monthly basis. A deposit is payable on acceptance of a place.
Termly school fees – inclusive of VAT School lunch per term Total
Nursery £3,774.00* £195.00 £3,969.00
Reception – Year 6 £5,080.32 £260.33 £5,340.65
Year 7 – 10 £6,690.88 £272.33 £6,963.21
Year 11 £6,690.88 £212.67** £6,903.55
Year 12 – 13 £6,690.88 N/A £6,690.88
Additional charges may apply for trips, exam fees and other related services.
*Childcare vouchers and Early Years funding (15hrs) are accepted against Nursery fees and all Nursery pupils must attend a minimum of six sessions each week. Please note, Nursery fees are also not subject to VAT.
** Year 11 lunches charged at £212.67 per term to allow for their period of study leave.
A family who enrol their third or any subsequent daughter into any GDST school will be eligible for a 20% fee reduction for the third and all subsequent girls. The girls must be attending a GDST school at the same time before a discount can be awarded. Once awarded the discount will remain with the student until she leaves the school.
Contact us for more information.