Remembering Norwich High School for Girls in your will is one of the most personal, and significant ways you can help. The gift of education is perhaps the most precious gift anyone can bestow. Once made, it can never be taken away. It’s the key that unlocks the door to hope.
Your legacy gift may be directed towards a specific area or left without limitations to be allocated wherever it is needed most. Currently, our priority is to provide bursaries to allow more gifted girls, regardless of their background, to benefit from the gift of a Norwich High School for Girls education. However, legacy gifts may also be directed to other areas, including capital developments, learning resources, and extra-curricular activities.
After you have taken care of the people closest to you, please consider leaving a charitable bequest to Norwich High School for Girls in your will to make the gift of education possible for talented girls, regardless of their background.
Legacy gifts often take the form of a specific sum of money, or a proportion of a person’s estate. All legacy gifts, whatever type, or size, play a vital role in our work and will have a transformative impact. If you are thinking about leaving a legacy to Norwich High School for Girls, more details about how you can do it can be accessed at
Norwich High School for Girls is part of The Girls’ Day School Trust, which is a registered charity (no.306893), and by leaving a gift in your will you can also reduce the total tax liability of your estate to your family. All legacies to the GDST are free from capital gains tax and inheritance tax.
The GDST is partnering with Farewill, the UK’s leading online will writing service by offering to prepare a limited number of wills free of charge. This offer is available at Please note, including a gift to Norwich High is not a condition of using the Farewill service without charge.
If you have already made provision in your will for a gift to Norwich High School for Girls, thank you; we would love to know so we can include you in the Minerva Circle, a special society for those who have pledged a legacy to the GDST or a GDST school. Your can get in touch via
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