Pastoral care and wellbeing

Early Years

Our dedicated pastoral team develop your daughter’s personal, social and emotional skills.

When your daughter starts in Nursery or Reception at Norwich High Prep School, we take the time to get to know her through pastoral care and support so we can make sure she has a positive start to her journey with us. Knowing that she loves cooking or finds separation from you difficult allows us to find ways to encourage and support her as she learns and grows.

We develop your daughter’s personal, social and emotional skills through these important first years at school and we provide her with the individual pastoral care and support she needs to flourish. We help her to find her voice and feel confident expressing herself. She is encouraged to rise to challenges with determination, perseverance and, most importantly, a smile on her face.

A strong partnership

We know and understand the value of a strong partnership with our girls’ parents and provide a number of ways for you to communicate with us and our pastoral care team. You are always welcome to pop in for a chat at drop off or pick up to discuss any areas of extra pastoral support or care. Bespoke planners are provided for each girl as a link between home and school and parents have access to staff email addresses as another means of communication.

However, in Early Years we also use a secure online learning journal called Tapestry, to share your daughter’s experiences. We post photographs, observations and comments throughout the day and we invite you to get actively involved by ‘liking’ and commenting on our observations and also adding your own examples to this incredible record of your daughter’s development through the Early Years. This allows you to see what your daughter has been up to each day and celebrate her achievements with her.

Pupils are encouraged to share cultural differences and experiences through Show and Tell and, where possible, parents are invited in to talk about religious festivals and cultural activities.

A through school

Even though they are our youngest pupils, the girls in Early Years make full use of our beautiful 14 acre site as they join their older friends in assemblies and for lunch in the main dining hall.

Being part of whole school activity days enables them to become familiar with the staff, interact with the older girls and get to know the routines of school life, making the transition into Year 1 a seamless experience.

Older students may volunteer to work alongside the pastoral care team to help in the Prep School as part of the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, and it is a pleasure to see pupils from Years 9 to 11 interacting with our youngest girls.

Wraparound care

Wraparound care is important for working parents and your daughter can be dropped off from 7:30am each morning. After school care is provided free of charge from the end of the school day until 3:30pm and for a small fee this can be extended until 6:00pm each day and there is no need to book in advance. A sandwich tea is provided and the girls take part in different activities as well as enjoying some free play. 

Beyond the classroom

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The Norwich High difference

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