On Friday 11th February, 15 Norwich High sports scholars travelled to Sutton High School GDST to attend the inaugural GDST Sports Scholars Day.
The day consisted of 15 workshops covering a wide range of sporting topics to inspire and educate our students. Practical coaching workshops included a hockey session from GB Hockey Olympic Gold medalist Shona McCallin, swimming masterclass from GB Olympic Silver medallist swimmer Jazz Carlin and an Athletics fitness session from GB Olympic Athletics Bronze medallist Marilyn Okoro. There were also some informative workshops on topics such as nutrition, visualisation, physiology of the female body and sports performance, how to portray yourself as an athlete, sports media and physiotherapy.
Sue Anstiss MBE, a Women’s Sports Trust Trustee and Women’s Sport Collective Founder and Author welcomed all the sports scholars from across the 17 GDST schools that attended the event and celebrated the fact that there are now endless opportunities in sport and that women’s sport continues to grow and progress.
To conclude there was an opportunity to ask questions to the expert panel, which included the Team GB athletes mentioned above as well as Double Paralympic Gold medallist in Archery Danielle Brown and Former GB Wheelchair Basketball player and Channel 4 News and Sport Presenter Jordan Jarrett-Bryan.
It certainly was a fantastic day! Everyone learned a lot about how to develop in their sports from the amazing role models and felt inspired to be the best they can.