Language and Culture Week

Posted on 25th February 2022

The Senior School celebrates the rich diversity of languages and cultures across the school community.

On Friday 25th February, Norwich High School for Girls hosted its inaugural Culture Day.

As part of the school’s Undivided initiative, we are dedicated to promote inclusion, diversity and real change, and hosting a Culture Day was one of the excellent suggestions that our Antiracism and Inclusion Group came up with. It was an exciting and enriching day, aimed at celebrating each other’s cultures and spreading awareness.

Activities on the Friday included a food market at breaktime, selling baked goods and chai tea, as well as lots of activities at lunchtime including an Indian Dance performance and workshop, cultural school displays, a henna stall, an origami stall, and lots of types of music.

To allow students to really express their culture and identity, Friday was a non-school uniform day. Students were welcome to wear any attire that allowed them to express themselves, whether it be an Indian sari, a Scottish kilt, a Japanese kimono, or indeed any other garment. Students from the LGBTQ+ Alliance were welcome to proudly wear a rainbow flag that they identify with, if they wanted to.

At Norwich High School, we celebrate the diversity of all of our students, and today gave us an exciting opportunity to demonstrate our tolerance, encourage conversation and share what matters to us. Proceeds raised from the event will be donated to The Black Curriculum.

Culture Day marked the end of Language and Culture Week at Norwich High School. Monday was the United Nations International Mother Language Day and included a brilliant assembly and valuable talks from Norwich High alumnae. On Tuesday, four Year 9 teams took part in a Business Language Champions hotel challenge and on Friday sixth formers taught something in their mother tongues.

The Antiracism and Inclusion Group, and LGBTQ+ Alliance, would like to thank everyone for their support.

View the full programme of activities for Language and Culture Week here.