The Norwich High difference
Prep School
Our girls are part of a warm, friendly community…
We go the extra mile to make sure your daughter is happy and settled at school because we know that girls need to feel comfortable to learn at their best.
…but are seen as individuals.
We don’t just know each girl in the Prep School by her name, we also know what her strengths and weaknesses are, who her friends are and what makes her tick. We find opportunities for each individual to shine.
Our girls are encouraged to be their best…
We know that it is easy for girls to be passive learners in a mixed classroom. They take the easy option and allow their louder and more assertive classmates to answer. In our classrooms all girls are active learners in their lessons thanks to a classroom culture designed around the needs of girls.
…but allowed to be themselves.
We embrace the uniqueness and individuality of all our girls. Whether they like football and climbing trees or reading and art we give them room to be who they want to be. In a girls only environment, our girls retain the enjoyment of childhood for longer, free from the worry of what others will think.
“I only joined last year and I have come so far out of my little shell. Now I do things which I dreaded before. As an example I have been on residentials with the school and I have made an effort, making new friends instead of being stuck in the past. I’ve made an effort to get out of my comfort zone and it has paid off.”
Our girls are given space to grow…
We know that many girls have a tendency to be perfectionists and avoid taking risks so they don’t have to worry about making mistakes. So we have developed a growth mindset culture across the school that helps our girls embrace mistakes as evidence they are learning rather than that something has gone wrong.
…but challenged to spread their wings.
As we see their confidence grow we encourage our girls to step into new challenges and experiences that will take them out of their comfort zones. With the support of their friends and teachers around them our girls embrace the unknown and grow as individuals.
Our girls are full of fun and enthusiasm…
Our girls love to learn. They are excited to come to school and keen to embrace all that is offered to them. The lessons are pacey and fun and barely a week goes by without something different happening.
…but are focused learners.
Our girls’ excellent behaviour makes classroom management easy and little time is wasted on unnecessary interruptions to learning. Focus is easy when all those around you want to learn as much as you do and being able to switch quickly between individual and collaborative work on our round tables suits the way girls learn.
Our girls are stretched academically…
Whatever level our girls are working at, all we can ask of them is to work hard and do their best. With an attitude like this it is easy to stretch them academically and provide plenty of different types of challenges. Our girls know the value of growing a little every day and are rightfully proud of their achievements.
…but surrounded by creativity.
We know the importance of balancing an academic curriculum with plenty of opportunities to be creative. Not only are these subjects some of the girls’ favourites, they are also a chance for them to relax and enjoy some balance in their day. What could be better for their well being than being immersed in a vibrant and creative environment filled with installations of their own art?
Our girls don’t push themselves forward…
As our girls move into the upper years of the Prep School their level of maturity and humility is impressive. They readily celebrate each others’ successes and are often just as keen to commend a friend as they are to enjoy a privilege for themselves.
…but step up with confidence.
Right from the start of Nursery our girls learn how to share in front of others, whether that’s in a lesson, an assembly, a concert or a play. All of our girls take on the responsibility of leadership and by Year 6 they are confidently leading assemblies, running clubs and managing special events for themselves.
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