Everyone has enjoyed a comprehensive sports programme this term with over 250 matches taking place in seven different sports.
Most year groups have also taken part in Company or House Hockey with Upper 1 to Lower 4 also enjoying Company/House Cross Country. Additionally, it has been pleasing to see students enjoying a variety of sports clubs including Tennis, Sports Acro, Badminton, Kayaking, Rowing and Swimming to name but a few!
Highlights from the Autumn term
The U14 Hockey team reached the East Regional finals in November. Unfortunately, Norwich High missed out on first place and national qualification by just one goal! However, this was an amazing achievement and we are very proud of everyone.
The U16 Netball team were crowned County Champions in October. The team qualified for the regional finals in Hertfordshire at the end of January – good luck!
Norwich High have enjoyed two Swimming Galas against Town Close with brilliant performances from the Year 8, 7, 6 and 5 teams, expertly led by our swimming coach Mr Davis as part of our partnership with Norwich Swan Swimming Club. Ten students from the Sixth Form have also been taking the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification during their Tuesday afternoon sessions with Assistant Head Coach of Norwich Swan, Mrs Merrill.
The Equestrian squad have been busy this term, competing in many events. At the NSEA County Qualifiers, Tilly (Year 11) qualified to represent Norfolk at the County Championships in Spring 2022. The Dressage team also competed for the first time last week at the NSEA County Championships. The team qualified and Evie (Year 9) qualified as an individual to represent Norfolk in the next round. A massive thank you to Mrs Waity for organising the Equestrian team so expertly.
The Rowers have also been training hard on the water during Games afternoons, in the holidays or on Saturday mornings. It’s been great to take part in regattas again with some encouraging placings from our J16 and J15 crews.
We have enjoyed three GDST sports rallies this term, taking part in Hockey, Netball, Dance and the Prep School entered the football rally for the first time, finishing in fourth place.
GDST Select trials have taken place in Netball and Football to choose an elite team across the 25 schools. Congratulations to Erin (Netball) and Freya (Football) who have both been selected, with Cricket trials coming up after Christmas.
What’s coming up next term
In preparation for the Summer term, Hardball Cricket trials will begin after Christmas with indoor Cricket tournaments for the U13 and U15 teams in February and March.
We are also delighted that our new Fitness Suite will be open in January ready for girls, staff and parents to use. We can’t wait to use our new spin bikes and cardio machines!
Netball will be played in Games after Christmas with a comprehensive fixture programme for all ages and abilities.
And finally, a reminder to save the date for our annual Sports Awards Dinner on Friday 10th June from 6.30pm in the school hall. This is open to Senior School students and parents with over 100 awards presented and a keynote speech from an elite sportsperson.