The school day

Early Years

Nursery and Reception


Before school care

Before school care is available from 7:30am until 8:00am in the dining hall at Eaton Grove. There is no charge for this service and some basic breakfast options are provided but if your daughter would like a wider selection she will need to bring a small amount of cash. Places do not need to be booked in advance and you can drop your daughter off any time between 7:30am and 8:00am with the member of staff on duty at the side door of the Eaton Grove dining hall. They will escort the students to the Prep School at 8:00am.


Early Years girls arrive at school between 8:00am and 8:30am through the Newmarket Road entrance. The Early Years staff will be waiting in the playground to supervise outside play. School finishes at 3:10pm for the Early Years students and your daughter can be collected from the Early Years staff via the Newmarket Road entrance.

Morning session (Nursery only)
If your daughter is just attending the morning session she will have lunch at 12 noon and can be collected from the Newmarket Road entrance at 12:30pm.

Afternoon session (Nursery only)
If your daughter is just attending the afternoon session you will need to bring her to the Albemarle Road entrance for 11:30am and she can be collected at 3:10pm. She will have lunch at school.

After school care
Your daughter will be supervised in the Early Years play area after school until 3:30pm when our after school care, Bishys, begins. This is provided at an additional cost of £3 per half an hour from 3:30pm until 6:00pm, unless they have an older sister in school, in which case it is charged from 4pm. Tea is provided as part of the session at approximately 4:30pm. There is no need to book in advance but it is helpful if you are able to let your daughter’s Form Teacher know if she will be attending. The direct telephone number for Bishys is 07708 666 902. Please use the Newmarket Road entrance to collect your daughter from Bishys. 

If your daughter is attending an after school club she should be collected from the Albemarle Road entrance at the appropriate time.

Prep School

Kindergarten to Lower 3, Years 1 to 6

All girls should arrive at school between 8:00am and 8:30am. The school day ends at different times: 

  • Kindergarten (Year 1) and Lower 1 (Year 2) – 3:10pm
  • Upper 1 (Year 3) to Lower 3 (Year 6) – 3:50pm

After school care is available from 3:10pm but is not charged until 3:30pm to make collection as flexible as possible.

All girls should use the entrance and exit point specified for their year group:

Kindergarten (Year 1), Lower 1 (Year 2), Lower 2 (Year 4) and Lower 3 (Year 6) – please use the Newmarket Road door as your daughter’s entrance and exit point.

Upper 1 (Year 3) and Upper 2 (Year 5) – please use the Albemarle Road door as your daughter’s entrance and exit point.

Before school care

Before school care is available from 7:30am until 8:00am in the dining hall at Eaton Grove for girls from Nursery to Lower 3 (Year 6). There is no charge for this service and some basic breakfast options are provided but if your daughter would like a wider selection she will need to bring a small amount of cash. Places do not need to be booked in advance and you can drop your daughter off any time between 7:30am and 8:00am with the member of staff on duty at the side door of the Eaton Grove dining hall. They will escort the students to the Prep School at 8:00am.

After school care

After school care, known as Bishys, is charged at £3 per half an hour and is available from 3:10pm and there is no charge until 3:30pm. Girls who have older sisters are welcome to wait in after school care until their sibling’s school day has finished – in which case Bishys is charged from 4:00pm. They will be supervised outside or be able to attend a club during this time. The girls will be supervised outside until 4:30pm when they will come inside for a tea of sandwiches and fruit, after which they will be able to do their homework and other activities until 6:00pm.

If you arrive to collect your daughter from after school care before 4:30pm please access the site through the Newmarket Road entrance and speak to the member of staff in the playground. If you arrive to collect your daughter between 4:30pm and 6:00pm you will need to come to the Newmarket Road front door and call the Bishy’s mobile number 07708 666 902 and the staff will bring your daughter to meet you.

After school clubs

If your daughter is attending an after school club she should be collected from the Albemarle Road entrance at the appropriate time.

Senior School and Sixth Form

Monday to Thursday

7.30am: The dining hall is open for breakfast club
8.00am: Girls are welcome to wait in their form rooms. Fifth Form girls can use the Hub.
8.30am: School starts. Registration and assembly / form time
9.05am: Period 1
10.00am: Period 2
10.50am: Morning break
11.15am: Period 3
12.10pm: Period 4
1.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm: Period 5 (including registration)
3.00pm: Period 6
3.50pm: Senior lessons finish. Girls may continue to use the Library and the Hub for individual study.

These rooms close at 6.00pm.


7.30am: The dining hall is open for breakfast club
8.00am: Girls are welcome to wait in their form rooms. Fifth Form girls can use the Hub.
8.30am: School starts. Registration and assembly / form time
8.40am: Period 1
9.35am: Period 2
10.25am: Morning break
10.50am: Period 3
11.45am: Period 4
12.35pm: Lunch
13.10pm: Beyond (Period 4B) including registration.
2.05pm: Period 5
3.00pm: Period 6
3.50pm: Senior lessons finish. Girls may continue to use the Library and the Hub for individual study.

These rooms close at 6.00pm.

Senior School Assemblies

  • Monday: Whole School Assembly
  • Tuesday: Tutor Time
  • Wednesday: Section Assembly:
    • Sixth Form – Lanchester House
    • Upper School – Eaton Grove Hall
    • Lower School – DBS Performing Arts Studio
  • Thursday: Tutor Time/ PHSE or Assembly
  • Friday: No Assembly due to Beyond/ PSHE