Developments at Dingly Dell

Posted on 8th December 2020

Girls and staff carry out work on school wildlife pond

We are delighted with the developments of our wildlife pond at Dingly Dell this term. It seems a long time since the initial hole was excavated back in June; other than that day of digger activity, all the work has been carried out by the girls and teaching/support staff, led by Mr Hall who is overseeing our ongoing development of Dingly Dell.

The pond sits beside the Heritage Orchard planted in 2019; the two will mutually benefit each other in terms of attracting biodiversity to this unusually large green space within the residential area surrounding the school.

The Mousehold conservation activity group have been invaluable in adding important labour during the month of lockdown. Unable to work on Mousehold Heath each Monday, they have helped with planting and plenty of “earth moving”. The ground has also been prepared for the planting of a mixed native hedge which will separate the pond from the meadow field.

The request put out to families for native pond plants to be donated yielded a fantastic response; thank you again to all those parents who ventured out to their garden ponds to dig up species to donate.