Norwich High School for Girls alumnae reunite for an afternoon of laughter and memories

Posted on 22nd June 2023

Norwich High School for Girls for a summer reunion event on Saturday 18th June.

It was an absolute delight to welcome nearly 80 alumnae (including two alumni) to Norwich High School for Girls for a summer reunion event on Saturday 18th June.

The past students travelled from across the UK and beyond to attend including: The Home Counties, Southampton, Exeter, Brecon, Manchester, Perth, Durham and Belgium. Several of our year groups were celebrating milestone reunions, but we also had attendees from across the years with year groups ranging from the Class of 1955 to the Class of 2018. It seems our alumnae go on to every career imaginable – we had lawyers, doctors, accountants, teachers, an airline Captain, a particle physicist, artists, singers, scientists, and homemakers attending the event.

The Norwich High spirit was on show all day and it was great to see the enthusiasm with which the attendees started exploring every inch of the school grounds during their tours. Current staff and students who were involved in touring the Prep School, Senior School and Sixth Form buildings thoroughly enjoyed hearing lots of stories and memories of times past.

Guests were served a delicious afternoon tea in Eaton Grove Hall and with two current students treating them to some live music, we even enjoyed an impromptu sing along. Our archivist Tom Greenwood was on hand with precious items from the archive for guests to look through. As we move towards the 150th anniversary of the school opening in 2025, it was brilliant to receive additional bequests to add to this rich collection of our history.

“I would like to thank the headmistress and her team for a fantastic school reunion last Saturday. I was at the school from kindergarten to upper sixth, leaving in 1986. It was my first time back and we were treated so well and doors were left unlocked so that we could explore everywhere. It is a wonderful school and I was delighted to be invited for last Saturday.”

Norwich High School for Girls Alumna

“A heartfelt thank you for your organisation and support of today’s reunion. My year group so enjoyed themselves and it was all the better for being welcomed back in to the school itself again. Your musician was excellent – do thank her too. The afternoon tea was delicious and we all felt very affectionate about Norwich High and the impact it had on our lives.”

Norwich High School for Girls Alumna