Year 9 Residential Trip to Whitwell Hall

Posted on 2nd October 2023

Year 9 started their year with a residential trip to Whitwell Hall.

At the beginning of term, Year 9 set out to Whitwell Hall on a Thursday morning for two nights of sleeping under canvas, cooking as a form group over open fires and completing teamwork activities.

Each of the new forms, together with their form tutor, embraced the challenges and made the most of the opportunity to get to know one another. They were blessed with blue skies and warm sunshine throughout, and the woodland setting of Whitwell Hall, near Reepham, was idyllic.

Once the art of keeping the fire lit, ensuring hot water was available at all times, and mastering the supersized frying pans was achieved, things began to work smoothly, and teamwork came to the fore. The groups enjoyed shelter building, orienteering and crafts to name a few. One student commented, “It was good fun and I particularly enjoyed lighting the fire and making bracelets. All of the activities were fun and engaging.”

It was a brilliant start to the school year and a valuable way to build friendships, old and new.

“I loved the fact we got an opportunity to bond with everyone in the form and seeing as I was in a tent with people I have never really talked to before I got to spend time with them and I actually really enjoyed it. I liked the fact we got to make our own meals and fires and how we got a bit of free time to speak with my old friends from my old form. Overall I think it was one of my favourite residentials and has made me want to do DofE even more. I would definitely go back if I could!

Year 9 student